Jan 02 2023

Circular Economy and Career Opportunities

Johanson Resource

The circular economy is an economic system that is designed to minimize waste and promote the continual use of resources. It is based on the principles of the circular flow of resources, which involves keeping resources in use for as long as possible, extracting the maximum value from them while they are in use, and then recovering and regenerating products and materials at the end of their useful lives.


In a circular economy, waste is designed out of the system and resources are kept in use for as long as possible through strategies like reuse, repair, refurbishment, and recycling. This can help to reduce the demand for raw materials and the environmental impact of resource extraction and processing, as well as create economic and social benefits by keeping resources in use for longer periods of time.


There are many different ways that the circular economy can be implemented, including through the development of new business models, the use of new technologies, and the adoption of policies and regulations that support the circular flow of resources.


Career opportunities in the field of the circular economy


There are many career opportunities in the field of the circular economy, as this economic model is gaining increasing attention and adoption worldwide. Some examples of jobs that are related to the circular economy include:

  • Circular economy consultant: Helps businesses and organizations adopt circular economy practices and strategies, such as reducing waste and increasing resource efficiency.



  • Resource management specialist: Develops and implements strategies for the efficient use and management of natural resources, including the use of circular economy principles.


  • Sustainable supply chain manager: Develops and manages supply chains that are sustainable and minimize waste, using circular economy principles such as reuse and recycling.


  • Recycling and waste management specialist: Develops and implements strategies for reducing waste and increasing recycling rates, in support of the circular economy.


There are many other career opportunities in the field of the circular economy, and demand for these jobs is expected to grow as the world becomes increasingly focused on sustainability and resource efficiency.